Book Cover Design

Book Cover Design

Created cover art for his first book, All Nighter at L&L Pub (I was also a reader/editor). The image he had in his head was something like a pub you might find in The Hobbit and he wanted the title to include the pub’s signage.

The original image is from Ingo Jakubke on Pixabay (creative commons licensing; the image I’ve uploaded here is smaller/low-res). Using photoshop, I cleaned up various business-related stickers that were in the windows, removed the goldschmiede atelier signage, moved the Nürtinger Keller sign to the doorpost, removed the ornamentation that had been on top of the sign-post and the business’s name, then added L&L Pub. I would have loved to have kept the ornamentation on that signpost, but enough of it was cut out of the picture that including it would have been a challenge.

According to the photographer, this is in Tuscany, which confused me since the signage is German (though I did find a couple 2007 stories about a German travel company buying a Tuscan village, so… maybe??)

After the ministry’s name change, the cover was updated again to add the new name, logo, and website.