Organizational Communication Intervention

March 2020: Partnered project to create a website to teach classmates about Organizational Communication Interventions (Chapter 15 of our textbook) using Google Sites. Video was made using Adobe Spark. All graphics came from Pixabay (royalty-free/creative commons licensed images). Created chalkboard and caution signs using Photoshop. In order to embed video, I had to create a YouTube channel and upload from there. Rotating “take-aways” at the bottom of the site were done in Google Slides by my project partner, Andrew Sparks. We worked together to tweak the timing and autoplay. Layout was his idea and we worked together to make the sections cohesive and informative.

Source: Van Tiem, D.M., Moseley, J.L., & Dessinger, J.C. (2012). Fundamentals of performance improvement: Optimizing results through people, process, and organizations (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.