This Website

I’m honestly not sure where to start in describing all that has gone into creating this website. Lots of Photoshop. Lots of exploring different WordPress themes before finally deciding to build my own. Eventually. For now, I’m okay with this one.

Header image: I’ve used this image in multiple places for a good 3-4 years now, so it shouldn’t surprise me that I decided to use it as a focal image and color inspiration for my site. I got it (and the VAST majority of others) from Pixabay and, unfortunately, have long lost the information in order to provide an attribute. Pixabay doesn’t require it, but if I can do it, I’d like to because there are some truly talented people who contribute to that site! The font, Timberline, came from Adobe Fonts. It was a toss-up between it and one called Lamar Pen. I like them both, but my daughter, who has an awesome eye for design herself, said, “Timberline” and I agreed.

Images on Home page: The flower is a photo I took in the gardens at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Huntsville, Alabama. I’m pleasantly surprised that I like the parallax effect. Normally, I’m not a fan because it makes me dizzy. My only guess is that it’s because I’ve only used it on a portion of the page where most sites seem to use it over the entire page and site.

Category button images:

  1. Instructional Design base image by Mediamodifier. I added Instructional Design-specific images and text to it.
  2. Graphic Design image by JL G. I added text.
  3. Writing image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images. I added a background, texture, and text.
  4. Music image by Efes Kitap.

For how brief this post is, I promise there was a lot of time and effort poured into creating this site. Especially after I inadvertently crashed our main site and my darling sys admin/husband had to recreate the database to get it back. Despite that, he helped me find and get this domain and has set up a dev site for me to play with and experiment with creating themes! Yeah, he’s a brave man.

Disclaimer: If what you see here is different from how the actual site appears, it’s because I made changes and then forgot to update this post to reflect said changes

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