Designing Instruction for Small-Group Learning (Book Chapter)

Course: Learning, Cognition, and Instructional Design and Development For this assignment, we were tasked with designing a learner-centered instructional intervention and then writing it up using our class text as a formatting guideline. Mine was created with my experiences and interests in Medical Education in mind. Text for this class:…

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Program Coordinator Onboarding Curriculum

2018-2020: With the Program Administrators and Coordinators Leadership Team, developed a 6-month rolling curriculum for onboarding new Program Coordinators in Graduate Medical Education (GME). Sessions cover six topic areas: Getting Started, Accreditation, GME Requirements and Processes, Onboarding/Offboarding, Recruitment, and Professional Development. Each team member is able to co-present on any…

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Performance Analysis Graphic

Course: Performance System Technology. Spring 2020 Assignment: Design a graphic organizer to compare and contrast and share what you have learned in your reading regarding the following: performance analysis, organizational analysis, environmental analysis, gap analysis, cause analysis. Response: From the readings, I got the impression that the organizational, environmental, gap,…

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Case Study – Honest Ally Food International RFP

Fall 2019: This was a group project for a course on Universal Design for Learning. In this assignment, Honest Ally Food International put out a Request for Proposal for a program to promote strategies aimed at addressing food insecurity.  Previous group projects were done via email or in-person. For this…

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Literature Review

For this assignment, we were told to find a gap in the literature. Research UDL, differentiated instruction, and instructional design in the instructional setting I plan to go into (military, health care, education, etc.). Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the information presented in the research. Identify the gap and, utilizing future…

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