Service-Learning Project: Genetic Counseling

March 2, 2020: This was a group project in which we worked with a client, Dr. Danielle Monteil, a geneticist at the US Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia, to create a booklet to help her guide her patients through the process of deciding whether or not to have genetic testing done for hereditary cancer. After seeing how the color version printed out in grayscale, we opted to create a pure black and white copy and deliver both to our client for her to decide which she’d prefer to use.

My partners for this project were Victoria Dawkins and Melissa Simpson.

Goal Statement: Using the provided patient resource the patient will be able to explain the basic concepts associated with using genetic testing to predict hereditary cancer.

The following documents include the full design and analysis report, the final product (color and black & white), and the final report which was a reflection on the project.