Elective Course – Individual Projects (Article Review, Informative Comic, Infographic)

In an elective course taken early 2021, we were assigned to do three individual challenges (the course itself was primarily group work). The three I chose were an article review, creation of a comic strip explaining a concept from our textbook, and creation of an infographic explaining a concept from our textbook.

Course Text: Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). E-learning and the science of instruction: proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. Wiley.

Review an article from a professional, peer-reviewed, research oriented journal. Include a summary of the article, the value I felt it brought to the profession, the contribution I feel this made to my understanding of the subject matter, and ideas for new research generated from the article. I was actually disappointed with this article, but didn’t have time to find a new one. Besides, not everything can get two thumbs up.

While I don’t believe this article added anything beneficial to the profession, I did get at least a little value out of it: I dug a little deeper into validity, reliability, and statistical analysis and it gave me additional insight into the importance of learning communities and instructor involvement in discussion forums.



Informative Comic Strip

Create an informative comic strip expressing application of the content matter we have been covering.

I decided to do a strip regarding the concept of the Segmenting Principle.




How People Learn (1)


Take the information you have learned and create an Infographic. I chose to do mine on a chapter from our text covering how people learn which, as it turns out, is essentially an overview of Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Learning.