Personal Definition of Instructional Design

Course: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design

Our text gave several different definitions of “Instructional Design.” For one assignment, I was tasked with either identifying a definition that resonated with me or coming up with my own. Ultimately, there was one in the text which I felt cut to the core of my understanding of Instructional Design, even though it appears simplistic at first glance. I also liked it because it is simplistic enough that non-ID people could understand it.

“Instructional design is a system of procedures for developing education and training materials in a consistent and reliable fashion” (Reiser & Dempsey, 2017, p. 27).

Based on a talk I had had with the Program Director prior to applying to the program, whenever someone asked me, “What’s that?” My response was, “Basically process and quality improvement for the learning environment.” That response still confused a few of my friends and family, but the people I work with at UAB are intimately familiar with “process and quality improvement.” It’s an ongoing task in the world of Graduate Medical Education (GME) and involves soliciting frequent feedback from residents and faculty regarding the rotations, the clinics, residents evaluate faculty, faculty evaluate residents, etc., then making changes where needed to continue to improve the learning experience.

Text: Reiser, R.A. & Dempsey, J.V. (Eds.) (2017). Trends and issues in Instructional Design and Technology. New York, NY: Pearson.